Partner with us

Your organisation could play a part in the world's largest walk towards a future without type 1 diabetes!

Help us turn type one into type none

JDRF's One Walk is the world’s largest fundraising event dedicated to creating a future without type 1 diabetes (T1D). Every year, we bring together approximately one million people worldwide to support this vital cause – and we're doing it all over again in March 2025! 

Corporate partnerships have been crucial to our success. Your involvement not only supports groundbreaking research but also connects you with a passionate and dedicated community, enhancing your brand's affinity and trust. 

One Walk 2023 in numbers...

Why partner with us for One Walk?

Meet corporate and social responsibility (CSR) goals

We can tailor our partnership to align with your objectives, ensuring we achieve your desired outcomes. 

Inspire employees, foster team unity, and retain staff

Engage employees in fundraising activities to increase engagement, unite teams, and improve staff retention. 

Leverage joint-branding opportunities

Joint-branding opportunities help you access targeted audiences through high-profile events and initiatives. 

How you can get involved

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Be a gift matching partner

Double the impact of donations by participating in a "Dollar Matching Day," amplifying both your brand reach and social responsibility. 

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Donate contra prizes

Motivate participants with exciting prizes, driving registrations and fundraising efforts.

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Collaborate on social media 

Engage with our community through impactful social media campaigns, sharing your story and commitment to the T1D cause. 

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Attend or host a booth

Showcase your organisation at our One Walk events, connecting directly with our vibrant community. 

Ready to make a difference?

Partner with us to help turn type one into type none. Fill out the form to express your interest. 

Join the One Walk community!

Follow us on social media for the latest news. #JDRFOneWalk

Want to fundraise your own way?

Check out other ways to get involved in the Blue Army.

How it Works

1. sign up

Sign up for FREE and save your spot at your local One Walk event. We're hosting them across Australia! 

2. Set your fundraising goal

Set your fundraising goal to support life-changing T1D research

3. Spread the word

Share your page with friends, family, co-workers (anyone you know!) and ask them to support your challenge.

4. Walk and celebrate!

Come along on the day of your event and walk for a world without T1D. It's a fun celebration of your incredible fundraising!

“I am extremely proud to join the One Walk Step Challenge, not only for my son, but for everyone with T1D who must test their blood glucose levels and take insulin every single day just to stay alive.”


“A really positive aspect of One Walk is that as a community, we can come together to raise money towards life-changing research aimed at making our lives so much easier”


Join the One Walk community!
