Kirilly White is JDRF’s Lead Advocate for NSW and has been an instrumental part of securing millions of dollars of funding for vital T1D research from the government. She’s even slid down the hill at Kirribilli house after thanking former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull for his support.
“I’m very fortunate to have my CGM. It’s created so many opportunities and drastically decreased stress levels for me and so many other Australians living with T1D.” Kirilly said while thanking Mr. Turnbull.
“Because of my CGM, I was able to sleep outside for the first time as a Girl Guide without my mum there. She was able to watch my blood sugars while she was at home and I was out and about – and there have been so many more times since then where I have been grateful for my T1D tech.”

Aside from her heroic advocacy efforts, Kirilly is passionate about making an impact within the T1D community in as many ways as she can. She regularly supports children and young adults in her community by running local support group meet ups.
Inspired by her own personal struggle with adjusting to life with T1D, Kirilly is working to educate and nurture others experiencing the trials and tribulations diabetes brings.
“One of my biggest challenges is that I’m hypo unaware. I often get scared of going low especially while exercising.” Kirilly says.
Despite this fear, Kirilly goes on to tell us that she hasn’t let T1D stop her from doing anything. One way she improves her approach is using T1D tech.
“Having the CGM has helps me recognise my hypo feelings and implement strategies to prevent them. It’s allowed me to be able freely participate in 'normal' activities such as going to the gym and being able to watch the trends of my blood sugars and adjust my insulin accordingly at the time.” Kirilly explains.
Kirilly has also been an avid participant in One Walk for the last 10 years. This year, she believes fundraising events such as One Walk are more important than ever and has completed her 120,000 steps over just 12 days.
“I'm doing the One Walk Step Challenge this year as we shouldn't be letting COVID stop us from getting the JDRF community together to make a difference for those living with T1D.” Kirilly explains.
“Turning type 1 into type none will make a massive difference for those with diabetes who struggle each day. It will also help to relieve the stress on many families and relationships. Through all the support and donation each year I believe we are getting closer to that step of being able to say that!”
Support Kirilly’s One Walk Step Challenge page here or sign up to help defeat T1D.

This content was brought to you by our One Walk Step Challenge partners, Ypsomed. Visit their website here to find out more about the technology they have on offer.