Individual Ranks

Did you know you can walk your way to the top, unlock badges and win rewards while you're at it? Click on a level below to see who has achieved that level so far.

The Stepper - $50

Raise $50 to achieve The One Walk Stepper status! 

You'll get a FREE pair of socks, ready to pick up at your event (or to be posted at the conclusion of the campaign).

The Strider - $100

Raise $100 to achieve The One Walk Strider status!

And claim a FREE t-shirt.

The Power Walker - $250

Raise $250 to achieve The One Walk Power Walker status!

You'll be half way to earning a FREE drink bottle when you achieve Athlete status.

The Athlete - $500

Raise $500 to rise to Athlete status!

You can collect a FREE drink bottle, alongside your t-shirt and pair of socks at your event.

The Elite Walker - $1,000

Raise $1,000 and you’ll be promoted to the top Elite Walker status!