Insulin In Motion

One Walk Newcastle 2025

We're walking in Newcastle to turn type one into type none!

Hello everyone!! 

Are you aware that Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease? The management of this disease requires daily injections & constant blood sugar monitoring? No more eating red clouds from the packet & what about birthday cake? 

On March 30th, we’re participating in a walk at Thomas Holton Park Playground in Croudace Bay Park at 9am to raise funds for JDRF-Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, an incredible organization dedicated to finding a cure for Type 1 Diabetes.

You can join us by walking, donating or both! Donations over $2 are tax deductible and go towards supporting groundbreaking research that brings us closer to a world without T1D.

Please support our walk today. 

Our Completed Missions in the JDRF Blue Army

Dream Team ($500)

Legends ($1000)

Superstars ($2500)

Greatest Of All Time ($5000)

Set Profile Picture

Achieved Fundraising Target

Increased Fundraising Target over $500

Thank you to our Sponsors


Benjamin & Elizabeth Na

Good on ya 😁


Andrew & Ruth Anne Na

Yah xx Exercise is always a good thing!


Julian Na

bears, beets, type 1 diabetes


Nicholas Na

Yes to the T-800. No to T-1D


Tram Nguyen




Ange, Doug & Brandon X

Go you gurl! Great cause 💪🏼🚶‍♀️⭐️💛


Dianne Cormier


Kim Wildstar


John & Marie Woolfe


Kim Wildstar


Stephen Johns

Hope you reach your goal



Go girls 🥳🏃‍♀️


Amber Coleman



M Deen


Chloe Trappel