The Sugar Shufflers

One Walk Hobart 2025

We did it! Raising $10,000!!!

Wow, thank you so much to everyone who has donated, we have now raised over $10,000!!

This is just incredible and our whole team cannot thank those who have donated enough!!

Our only hope is for a cure for T1D, and the money raised will provide resources and funding for vital research to hopefully one day make this a reality! 

Thank you all so much! 
The Sugar Shufflers ?

Wow!!!!! And a peak into T1D life!

We have now raised over $6000! This is just unbelievable! Thank you so much to everyone who has shared and donated to our team. 
We are now the highest fundraising team in Australia! 

For those who may not have experienced someone with type 1 diabetes, here’s a little look into an hour of our life. Tonight, after a carb counted dinner, Issy and I decided to go on a bike ride/walk. This isn’t something that can just happen spontaneously without some planning. First review of her blood sugar, it’s 12, that should give us enough to sustain our ride without her dropping. I pack some lollies in my pocket in case. We go on our ride, stopping to check her pump and levels as we go. We get home and her blood sugar has dropped, it’s now 5 and dropping quickly. By the time we get in the door and ready for a shower, she’s at 3.6 and continuing to drop, now it’s time for a lolly and some juice, thankfully after that her blood sugar came back up and stabilised . Type 1 diabetes is like playing a game of keepy-uppy (for those bluey fans out there!), the balloon is Issy’s blood sugar levels and you are constantly trying to keep them from hitting the floor or going too high. This is something that goes on 24/7, there’s no reprieve.

Thank you again for your ongoing support! 

Thank you!!!

Thank you to all who have donated so far! We never thought we could achieve what we have done, to raise our goal twice in one day!

Isabelle often talks about a cure for T1D and we tell her about the wonderful organisations and researchers that a continuously working to advance the treatments and management of T1D. Thank you for supporting this ongoing work!

We're walking in Hobart to turn type one into type none!

We're joining the world's largest walk for a future without type 1 diabetes (T1D) at Simmons Park on Saturday 15 March 2025!

Why? To help fund life-changing research aimed at improving lives and curing T1D. 

Type 1 diabetes can strike anyone at any time, and 8 Australians are diagnosed every day. Diagnosis means a 24/7 fight with no break and facing an extra 180 decisions a day to remain safe and healthy. 

Please support our walk today. 

Our Completed Missions in the JDRF Blue Army

Dream Team ($500)

Legends ($1000)

Superstars ($2500)

Greatest Of All Time ($5000)

Set Profile Picture

Achieved Fundraising Target

Increased Fundraising Target over $500

Thank you to our Sponsors




Rex Cole And The Gang From The Snooker And Billiards Association Tournament

With love to Isabelle and the Sugar Shufflers


Andrew Mcneill Buses

We love you Issy, your reliance and strength at such a young age makes us so proud. Love always Nan and Pop


Brighton Smash Repairs

Great Cause! Good luck on the day..


Sharyn Besier

We are doing this for you baby girl ! & all of the type 1 diabetics. We hope & pray that there is a cure for you all 🙏🙏


Denny Mechanical

Good luck on the day!!


Chris Wright

Issy is certain to out walk you




Glenorchy Auto Electrics


Rock Hill Estates

Well done


Tascon Constructions


Raine & Horne Northern Suburbs

From the team at Raine & Horne Northern Suburbs! all our love and support


Ricketts Family

Well done, a great cause



Good stuff Justin


Justin Mcneill




Suzanne Clennett

Best wishes Sharyn for you r walk and little Izzy. Lots of love Suz


Mathew Smith Mechanical Repairs

Nice work Uncle Doo


Sharni Mcneill


Mick Stringer


Hellen & Derek Chambers

You go girl. Izzy is so lucky to have you xxx


Beverley And Gary Fahey



Good Luck Sugar Shufflers! Great Effort with the Fundraising! Thought I'd help you crack $11k!


Christine Browning



Janelle And Dan Bell

Great wok Sharn and co!!


Marie & Alan Besier


Marie & Alan Besier


Katrina Pailthorpe

Good on you Andrew, such an important cause!


Minehan Family

Good luck to you all doing the walk.


Della Williams

Well done team!


June Duffy

Well done Sharyn. Love your work xx


Angela Nettlefold


Nanna Lesley

Love you Issy! Xx


Bruce Christie

Justin you legend! I hope you are training.


Les Moore

You are an inspiration Sharyn. Love to Issabelle.


Rachel Collis


Annette Itchins

Good job Sharyn


Trudy Engels

To you Izzy, with love Paul and Trudy


Rebecca Revell


Catherine Revell


Margaret Granger

Good work to all of you xx


Barbara Curran

Good luck, Sharyn


Ali Logan

Amazing work Team! 💙


Laura Wright


Shellie Seeder

What a worthwhile cause… great effort!


Pauline Kube


Barbara Mclean

Go Sugar Shufflers! Issy we love you so much xx


Lynn Brennan


Jan Voss


Jaxon & Logan Ryder

You are so brave Issy & we love you 🩵


Michelle And Garyfisher


Heather Kelly

You guys are doing great - and not surprised at all that this is going awesomely because you're awesome! xoxox


David Ayres



Scrap Metal


Adrian Pickett


Devonport Floorworld


Vincent Chamberlain

good luck with everything Justin


Craig &leanne Hughes


Anne Fros


Kareena Blackwell


Lynne Dove

You can do this ❤️


Peter Lucas

Go Justin


Mandy & Brett Small

Love to you Issy xx


Mandy & Brett Small

Go Shazza! With love to Issy xx


Colina Parsons


Dion Membrey - Major Air


Anna Holmes

For beautiful Isabelle xx


Jeanette & Rodney Balmer


Louise Brooking

Go team ❤️


Jodi Hansson

Great work bad friend xx


Angie & Nigel Booth

Go Sugar Shufflers & Issy!


Kasey & Koah Gunn

We love you Belle xx


Julie Mazey

Goodluck to the Sugar Shufflers. Go Issy. Love Jules and Bertie xx


Lucy Cowen 🦄


Alison Rainbird

Thanks for your support Alison! Lets hope there is a cure in the near future 🙏🏻xx


Judy Nuss

Right behind you and Issy!!!❤️


Maxine Groom

Love to all.


Kellie Vinen

Go Team!! Sending love xx


Michelle Ferris


Annette Mclean-aherne

Kick diabetes butt. Go Issy xoxo


Emma Bond


Deborah Mclean

Sending love and best wishes xxx


Sue Baker


Donna Ryder

With love from your Mumma in support of Issy ❤️


Debbie Gillie

Good luck to all walking


Hayley Browning



Love to Tanya x


Toni Golding

Great work sugar shufflers 🥰 love you Issy ❤️


Lyn Bruce


Sam Youd




Gai Smith


Louise Youd





Vanessa Kertesz


Carol Boyd

All the best for your walk


Theo Cooley


Kylie Barwick



Madi Hussey


Cameron Gibson


Hannah Wright


Rohan Blair


Issy Mcneill

Thanks for walking for me Pogi!


Issy Mcneill

Thanks for walking for me Jax! Pack some gummy snakes incase I need them to get through! 😀


Michelle Collis


Fiona Orr


Roslyn Brydon

Important research for the benefit of future generations. Wishing you some of these benefits Issy and well done to the fundraisers Sharyn and Sharni xx


Kirsten Reggett



Ruth & Dennis

Ruth & Dennis


Tania Billinghurst

Well done Sharon great cause 🥰


Karen Munnings

