Danielle Brown

I'm walking for Hugo

My Story

It’s hard to believe that it has been two years since Hugo was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. That day feels like a whirlwind of emotions—fear, confusion, and an overwhelming desire to understand a condition that was suddenly thrust into our lives.
When we received the diagnosis, it was as if our world had turned upside down. The initial shock left us feeling helpless, grappling with questions that had no immediate answers. What did this mean for our son’s future? How would we navigate the daily challenges of managing this condition? It felt like we were standing at the edge of a vast, unknown territory.
But as we stepped into this journey, we quickly realised that we were not alone. We embarked on a mission to learn everything we could about Type 1 diabetes. We read books, attended workshops, and connected with healthcare professionals who guided us through the complexities of insulin management, diet, and blood sugar monitoring. Each day brought new lessons, and with those lessons came a sense of empowerment.
The journey was not without its bumps. There were sleepless nights filled with worry, moments of frustration, and times when we felt overwhelmed. But amidst the challenges, we found joy in the little victories—like seeing our son take charge of his health, learning to count carbs, and even giving himself insulin injections with a newfound confidence. Each milestone reminded us that diabetes does not define him; he is so much more.
I want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to the incredible support system around us. To our family and friends, thank you for your love, encouragement, and for always being there when we needed a helping hand. Your understanding made all the difference. We also owe a debt of gratitude to the healthcare professionals who have supported us; your expertise and compassion have been invaluable in our journey.
Through this experience, we have learned so much—not just about diabetes, but about resilience, empathy, and the strength of the human spirit. We have grown closer as a family, finding ways to adapt and thrive together. It has taught us to appreciate every moment, to celebrate every small win, and to advocate for our son’s needs.
As we look to the future, we are filled with hope. We remain optimistic about the advancements in diabetes care and the possibilities that lie ahead. Our son is a bright, spirited individual, and we believe he will continue to shine, despite any hurdles he may face.
Thank you all for being part of our journey. Your support means the world to us. Xxx

I'm walking in Brisbane to turn type one into type none!

I'm joining the world's largest walk for a future without type 1 diabetes (T1D) at Victoria Park on Sunday 16 March 2025!

Why? To help fund life-changing research aimed at improving lives and curing T1D. 

Type 1 diabetes can strike anyone at any time, and 8 Australians are diagnosed every day. Diagnosis means a 24/7 fight with no break and facing an extra 180 decisions a day to remain safe and healthy. 

Please support my walk today. 

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