Emma Bruty

I'm walking for a world without type one diabetes

I'm walking in Melbourne to turn type one into type none!

I'm joining the world's largest walk for a future without type 1 diabetes (T1D) at Princes Park on Sunday 2 March 2025! I will be joining 80,000 people across Australia in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation's (JDRF) One Walk Step Challenge, to raise funds to help find a cure for Type 1. I have had diabetes for 34 years and my father has had it for over 53 years.

Because this is something that affects us directly - as well as countless others - I'm up for doing something practical to help!

In case it isn't obvious - why Type 1 (also known as juvenilediabetes?

We need to find a cure for the 140,000 Australian children and adults living with Type 1 diabetes, because...

* Type 1 is an auto-immune disease, and cannot be prevented
* the long term complications of diabetes can include blindness, kidney failure and nerve damage
* people with Type 1 diabetes need multiple insulin injections every day, just to stay alive
* insulin is not a cure for Type 1 diabetes – there is currently no cure

Do I need any more reasons? Your donation will fund vital research, which will one day find a cure - hopefully in my lifetime (and Dad's, and my cousins, and friends...you get the gist!)! I'd be very surprised if you don't know someone who's diabetic - besides me, of course! ? And if they're Type 1, your donation will help them too!

Thanks in advance for whatever support you can offer!

My Completed Missions in the JDRF Blue Army

Set Profile Picture

Donated to self

Shared Page

Reached Fundraising Target

Power Walker


Elite Walker

Increased Fundraising Target Over $500

Thank you to my Sponsors


Emma Bruty