Emma hegarty

I'm walking for Ben and Will

KITH: JDRF CRN4 Advocacy at Parliament House

On Tuesday 26th November 2024 our family attended JDRF’s Kids in the House event at Parliament House. Along with over 100 other T1D kids and their families, our focus was to advocate for funding to support the Clinical Research Network to progress current studies into early detection and causes of T1D, so that one day a cure can be found.

We met with Ged Kearney, Assistant Minister for Health to discuss the severity of onset of T1D and how important it is that early detection of T1D antibodies is so that kids like Ben and Will don’t end up in emergency departments critically unwell. Ged listened to us a asked lots of questions.

Then we attended lunch in the Great Hall where we were elated when Mark Butler, Minister for Health,  announced the Government’s commitment of $50.1 million to the CRN. It was an emotional moment.

Afterwards, we attended question time and witnessed Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister, announce the funding commitment.

It was an amazing experience for our family to socialise with other families who have lived similar journeys and be able to advocate for research funding, because Research Holds The Key.

I'm walking in March 2025 to turn type one into type none!

I'm taking 8,000 steps a day during March for Ben and Will, as well as the eight Australians diagnosed with type 1 diabetes every day as part of JDRF's One Walk.

Why? To help fund life-changing research aimed at improving lives and curing type 1 diabetes.

Please support my walk today.

My Completed Missions in the JDRF Blue Army

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Donated to self

Shared Page

Reached Fundraising Target

Power Walker


Elite Walker

Increased Fundraising Target Over $500

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jane And Adam Powick

Great cause. Go Emma!


Ray Family


Van Oirschot Family

Best wishes from the Van O’s. Keep it going 😊


Joseph Centofanti

A great cause!


Michael Cooper

Go Hegsy!


Robert Finn


Vince Crosta

You got this, do it for your boys


Sue Wheatcroft


Emma Hegarty


Justin Powick

Love your work Em!


Alex And Angie

Keep up the good work Emma, hugs to you all …


Alice, Steven, Jessie & Lucas

Stay strong boys 💙💙


Robyn Saalfield


Sarah Van Oirschot

Go Emma!!


Sandra Zambon


Janina Fahy

Thinking of you x


Aline R.

Excellent initiative! And thanks to RWPS for sharing the link to your fundraising page in the latest newsletter!


Rita Layfield