Kellie Jones

I'm walking for a world without type one diabetes

Total Steps:


Steps Goal:


I'm walking in Melbourne to turn type one into type none!

I'm joining the world's largest walk for a future without type 1 diabetes (T1D) at Princes Park on Sunday 2 March 2025!

Why? To help fund life-changing research aimed at improving lives and curing T1D. 

Type 1 diabetes can strike anyone at any time, and 8 Australians are diagnosed every day. Diagnosis means a 24/7 fight with no break and facing an extra 180 decisions a day to remain safe and healthy. 

Please support my walk today. 

My Completed Missions in the JDRF Blue Army

Set Profile Picture

Donated to self

Shared Page

Reached Fundraising Target

Power Walker


Elite Walker

Increased Fundraising Target Over $500

Thank you to my Sponsors


Michelle Overs


Nat & Brett

Go Kell! I hope you have a wonderful walk and raise heaps of money for this very important cause. ❤️


Paul Moodie

You go girl 🙏💕


Nicole Hoffman

Awesome Kellie enjoy the walk while supporting a great cause 👍



Awesome work Kell for a great cause


Cousin Sally

Love ❤️ you


Karyn And Gary

You go girl 👏 Let us know where you will be walking..



A great cause to support! Go Kell!


Janine & Dayle

Always happy to support a good cause and of course you Kell xx



Great work Kellie





Proud of you chick. I’ll join you on the walk x


Jacqui &paul Barry

Good on you Kell. xx


Kirsten Mcmahon

With an understanding of how each and every day presents its challenges for you Kel. In support of a world without Type 1💙


Kellie Jones


Jan Cunningham

How many klm is the walk kell?


Janine Birchall

Love you kel ! What a great cause ❤️❤️


