Nicole Borg

I'm walking for My Daughter Alyssia and Partner Mathew

It'll be Alyssia's 1st year down as a TD1 but as a family we'll walk for a cure for everyone!

Help join the fight against Type 1 Diabetes.

Daily in our household Mat and Alyssia have to manage their insulin, blood glucose levels, food intake and so many other factors that come from living with TD1.

If only there were a cure. 
One day we really wish that there are zero people living with TD1 and that's why we are doing this fundraising walk because together we can make a difference.

There is no discrimination against who could be diagnosed with the disease. There are 8 Australians diagnosed daily, but with your help we can hope that in the future that number is zero.

My Completed Missions in the JDRF Blue Army

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Donated to self

Shared Page

Reached Fundraising Target

Power Walker


Elite Walker

Increased Fundraising Target Over $500

Thank you to my Sponsors


Vicki Borg


Sheila Johnson