We're walking in March 2025 to turn type one into type none!
We're taking 8,000 steps a day during March for the eight Australians diagnosed with type 1 diabetes every day as part of JDRF's One Walk.
Why? To help fund life-changing research aimed at improving lives and curing type 1 diabetes.
Please support our walk today.
Our Completed Missions in the JDRF Blue Army

Dream Team ($500)

Legends ($1000)

Superstars ($2500)

Greatest Of All Time ($5000)

Set Profile Picture

Achieved Fundraising Target

Increased Fundraising Target over $500
Thank you to our Sponsors


Anonymous Matching Partner
Thanks for walking for a world without type 1 diabetes! We're proud to support your walk this World Diabetes Day.

Denise Short
You and Bailey are an inspiration to us all

Anonymous Matching Partner
Thanks for walking for a world without type 1 diabetes! We're proud to support your walk this World Diabetes Day.

Parker Crew
You and Boo! Through and through. Superwoman and supergirl! We’ve got your backs the whole way ❤️

Anonymous Matching Partner
Thanks for walking for a world without type 1 diabetes! We're proud to support your walk this World Diabetes Day.

Jess Short
You are a champion in my eyes!! Putting your best foot forward every day and advocating for those in your position!! Loooove you!

Anonymous Matching Partner
Thanks for walking for a world without type 1 diabetes! We're proud to support your walk this World Diabetes Day.